In a statement emailed to the Edmonton Journal, Rahim Jaffer declared, "I am innocent and am confident of full exoneration. I cannot express how grateful I am for the support of my family and friends and I ask that you respect their privacy as I strive to clear my name."
Good on you, Rahim. Rage, rage against the dying of the light!
Rather than falling on his sword and declaring a teary mia culpa, Mr. Jaffer's going to fight the charges.
The Alberta Report Editorial Collective applauds this decision.
Not only will this make for good copy, questions must be answered. Like, what did his wife, Hon. Helena Geurgis, know and when? Does Rahim have a valid drivers license? And, did he leave any gas in the tank of Hon. Geurgis' car when he was done his (allegedly) cocaine and booze-fueled joyride through rural Ontario?
By the way, your tax dollars paid for part of Mr. Jaffer's (allegedly) cocaine and booze-fueled joyride.
Ministers, like Hon. Geurgis, Minister of State (Status of Women), receive $2,122 in federal funding for cars.
Beep beep mm Beep Beep Yeah!
Speaking Moistly! My latest literary masterpiece.
10 months ago
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